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United Facilities Criteria CD 1
> Army Planning and Design Execution in the National Capital Region - index
Army Planning and Design Execution in the National Capital Region - index
Chapter 1: Introduction - ufc_2_000_010009
Chapter 1: Introduction -Cont.
Chapter 2: Requirements
Plans and Project Designs of Army Installations or Departments
Formal Referral and Consultation
Project Designs Submission Requirements
Environmental Policies and Procedures
The Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP)
Capital Improvement Definition
The Commision of The Fine Arts (CFA)
The Commision of The Fine Arts (CFA) -Cont.
Appendix A: References - ufc_2_000_010020
Appendix A: References -Cont. - ufc_2_000_010021
Appendix A: References -Cont. - ufc_2_000_010022