UFC 1-300-01
1 MARCH 2002
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
Michigan State University
311 Natural Resources Building
East Lansing, MI 48824-1222
(517) 355-9578; Fax: (517) 353-8994
E-mail: 22331fri@msu.edu
Michigan Resources Exchange Services
P.O. Box 18036
Lansing, MI 48901-8036
(517) 371-7171
Recycle Ann Arbor
Ecology Center of Ann Arbor
2420 South Industrial Highway
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-6288; Fax: (734) 662-7749
E-mail: recyclea2@aol.com
Michigan On-line Waste Exchange
Michigan Dept of Environmental Quality
Pollution Prevention Section - Environmental Assistance Division
P.O. Box 30457
Lansing, MI 48909-7957
(800) 662-9278 or (517) 373-1322; Fax: (517) 335-4729
E-mail: doroshkl@state.mi.us
Office of Environmental Assistance
520 Lafayette Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
(612) 296-3417
(612) 215-0246
Environmental Quality Board at Minnesota Planning
658 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-3985; Fax: (651) 296-3698