UFC 1-300-01
1 MARCH 2002
Western Iowa Tech Community College
4647 Stone Avenue, P.O. Box 5199
Sioux City, IA 51102-5199
(712) 274-8733 or (800) 352-4649, ext. 1560; Fax: (712) 274-6429
E-mail: demilif@witcc.com
Region XII Council of Governments
1009 East Anthony St., P.O. Box 768
Carroll, IA 51401
(712) 792-9914; Fax: (712) 792-1751
E-mail: rxiicog@netins.net
Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments
501 Sycamore Street, Suite 333
Waterloo, IA 50703
(319) 235-0311; Fax: (319) 235-2891
E-mail: jbeneke@inrcog.org
North Iowa Area Community College
500 College Drive
Mason City, IA 50401
(515) 422-4352; Fax: (515) 422-4129
E-mail: tornqpat@niacc.cc.ia.us
Eastern Iowa Community College
306 West River Dr.
Davenport, IA 52801-1221
(319) 336-3319 or (800) 462-3255; Fax: (319) 336-3350
E-mail: sheil@eiccd.cc.ia.us
Northeast Iowa Community College
10250 Sundown Road
Peosta, IA 52068-9988
(319) 556-5110 or (800) 728-7367, ext. 327; Fax: (319) 557-0349
E-mail: mihalakm@nicc.cc.ia.us