AEI for Installation Support
Thursday, 17 October 1996
d. Service Contracts (SC).
(1) Description. The SC directly engages the time and effort (hired labor) of a contractor
whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task, rather than to furnish an end item of
supply. (See Part V, Enclosure 5 for an example.)
(2) Application. SC are generally used for all types of maintenance jobs. Some of the
areas in which SC may be used include:
(a) Overhaul, repair, servicing, rehabilitation, salvage, modernization or modification
of mechanical and electrical systems, or equipment.
(b) Routine recurring maintenance of real property.
(c) Housekeeping and installation services.
(d) Testing toxic material.
(e) Operation of Government-owned equipment, facilities, and systems.
(f) Ground maintenance including trimming trees.
(g) Dismantling, demolition, or removal of buildings and other real property structures.
(h) Transportation and related services.
(i) Repairs of site utilities.
(3) Advantages. Used as a supplement to JOC, this SC in the form of an IDC with fixed-
unit-costs only for maintenance work and labor services, can easily reduce a backlog of items of
work, since Orders can be issued immediately.
e. Total Housing Maintenance (THM) Contracts.
(1) Description. THM contracts are restricted to a multiple of pre-determined items of
construction and service work. The typical THM contract consists of approximately 1,000 pre-
priced items, found within a military installation's housing inventory, that each have a unit of
measure and unit price. (See Part V, Enclosure 6 for an example.)
(a) These contracts are similar (indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity type contract) to