AEI for Installation Support
Thursday, 17 October 1996
Swofford, R.A., CEMP-EA, telephone DSN 763-0441 or COM (202) 761-0441; facsimile DSN
763-8815 or COM (202) 761-8815; Internet stanley.swofford@inet.hq.usace.army.mil.
Recommended changes, along with the rationale for the changes, should be sent to HQUSACE,
ATTN: CEMP-EA, 20 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20314-1000.
2. GUIDELINES FOR CUSTOMER CARE. The following guidelines should be used by
design agencies when providing Installation Support:
a. Customer service is our currency.
b. Make the customer's problems ours and provide solutions.
c. Be exceptional at doing small and difficult jobs.
d. Provide total service.
e. Give the customer extraordinary assistance.
f. Be cost effective.
g. Be imaginative.
h. Keep communication with the customer open and informative.
i. Maintain frequent contact with the customer.
j. Know the needs and requirements of the customer.
k. Humor foibles (Overlook people's little weaknesses).
3. REFERENCES. The following references and additional information sources are available
for use with this AEI.
a. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), 10 CFR 435, Energy Conservation Voluntary
Performance Standards for New Buildings; Mandatory for Federal Buildings.
b. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), 10 CFR 436, Federal Energy Management and
Planning Programs.