UFC 1-300-01
28 February 2006
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government
Agencies and their contractors (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other
requests for this document shall be referred to the preparing activity.
Most unclassified UFC will require Distribution Statement A. UFC
determined to be classified or for official use only (FOUO), such as those dealing with
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection, will require Distribution Statement C. For these
documents, the reason will be for "administrative" or "operational" use, the date will be
the date determination was established (not necessarily the UFC publication date).
Requests for these documents using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) will be
coordinated with the preparing activity in accordance with DOD Directive 5230.24.
Cover Sheet-Document Title. The first line of the document title will
contain only the description of the system, engineering discipline or facility type. It will
be assumed that the document contains design requirements and may contain
planning, operations and maintenance requirements. Provide a second line modifier to
the title such as handbook, maintenance manual, best practices, or inspection
procedures, only if the document does not contain the design requirements.
Identify the preparing activity on the title page parenthetically. The
foreword is identical for all UFC.
Summary Sheet. Provide a summary sheet for new UFC and revisions to
existing UFC. The summary briefly addresses the subject of the UFC, or the changes
made to the UFC, whichever is appropriate. Maintain the summary to less than a single
page, using bullets to organize the information. See the summary page in this UFC for
New UFC. Include a document description and need, and the impact of
the new criteria.
Revision. Include a description of the change, the reasons for the change
and the impact, including cost impact, of the change. For more information see
paragraph 2-5.2.
Table of Contents. A table of contents is not required for UFC with fewer
than 30 pages (including front matter and appendixes). As a minimum, the table of
contents should list titles of main paragraphs and, if used, titles of first level
subparagraphs. Format the table of contents according to the example in this UFC. For
multiple-discipline UFC (e.g., UFC Series 4 Multi-disciplinary and Facility-specific
Design), each chapter and appendix may have a table of contents that lists titles of main
paragraphs and first-level subparagraphs within the chapter or appendix. The main
document table of contents then lists only chapter and appendix titles. Do not list the
front matter or the index in the table of contents.
The table of contents may also list figures and tables included in the UFC. If so, format
these listings similarly to the rest of the table of contents under the separate headings of
"Figures", "Tables" or "Figures and Tables."