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*Merriam, R.  Solar Air Conditioning Study.  Civil Engineering Laboratory,
Contract Report CR 77.C18. Port Hueneme, CA: Apr 1977. (ADA043951)
*Montgomery, R.H.  Solar Decision Book: Your Guide to Making an investment.
Midland, MI: Dow Corning Corp., 1978.
*National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  Harnessing the Sun's Energy
for Heating and Cooling.  George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, AL:
National Solar Heating and Cooling Information Center.  Solar Hot Water and
Your Home.  Rockville, MD: Aug 1979. (HUD-PDR-466)
*Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory.  Passive Solar Procedures for Naval
Installations.  Contract Report CR 83.040.  October 1983
National Roofing Contractors Association.
Roofing Manual.
Obrecht, M.F. and Myers, J.R.  "Performance and Selection of Materials for
Potable Hot Water Service."  Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning, Vol
45 (Aug 1973).  (Also in: Materials Protection and Performance, Vol 12,
No. 4 (Apr 1973), pp 17-24)
Office of Technology Assessment. Application of Solar Technology to Today's
Energy Needs. 2 Volumes.  Washington, DC: Jun 1978.
Pesko, C., ed.  Solar Directory.
Ann Arbor, HI: Ann Arbor Science
Publishers, 1975.
Pickering, E.E.  Residential Hot Water Solar Energy Storage.  Proceedings of
the Workshop on Solar Energy Storage Subsystems for Heating and Cooling
of Buildings, Charlottesville, Va., Apr 16-18, 1975, ed. by L.U.
Lilleleht.  Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 1975.
(Brochure), 11922 Valerio Street, North Hollywood, CA.
Scholten, W. and Curran, H.  "Active Cooling Update."
Solar Age, Vol 4,
No. 6 (Jun 1979), pp 37-41.
Selcuk, K.  "Thermal and Economic Analysis of the Overlapped Glass Plate
Solar Air Heater."  Solar Energy, Vol 13 (1971). pp 165-191.
Sharp, M.K. and Loehrke, R.I.  Stratified Thermal Storage in Residential
Solar Energy Applications.  Report done on CEL Contract No.
N68305-76-C-0036 and ERDA Contract No. EG-72-5-Q24523.A000. Port
Hueneme, CA: Jun 1978.
Solar Age Magazine.  Solar Products Specification Guide. Harrisville, NH:
Solar Vision, Inc., Jul 1979.
Solar Energy Research Institute.
Insulation Data Manual.
SERI/SP 755-789,
October 1980.

Western Governors University

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