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*Durlak, E.R. (1979b).  Computer Programs that Simulate Solar System
Performance.  Civil Engineering Laboratory, Techdata Sheet 79-06.
Hueneme, CA: Apr 1979.
*Durlak, E.R. and Beccue, P.  Comparison of Thermosyphon and Hermostatically
Controlled Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems.  Naval Civil Engineering
Laboratory, Technical Memorandum M63-82-10.  Port Hueneme, CA: Sept
*Durlak, E.R.  On-site Evaluation of Solar Systems at Navy Bases. A Summary
of Lessons Learned and Maintenance Procedures.  Naval Civil Engineering
Laboratory, Technical Memorandum M63-83-22.  Port Hueneme, CA: Sept 1983
Edwards, D.K.  Solar Collector Design.
Philadelphia, PA: Franklin Institute
Press, 1977.
Edwards, D.K., et al.  Basic Studies on the Use and Control of Solar Energy.
Engineering Report no. UCLA 60-93.  Los Angeles, CA: University of
California, Oct 1960.
Energy Research and Development Administration.  ERDA Facilities Solar Design
Handbook.  Prepared by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Group WX-4.
Washington, DC: Aug 1977.
Energy Research and Development Administration, San Francisco Operations
Office Pacific Regional Solar Heating Handbook.  2nd ed. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office, Nov 1976.
*Eyre, P.E.  Corrosion in Solar Systems.  Report done on CEL Contract Nos.
N62583/77 MR 861 and N62583/77 MR 881. Port Hueneme, CA: Dec 1978.
Federal Energy Administration.  Buying Solar.
Report No. FEA/G-76/154,
Washington, DC: Jun 1976. (PB 262134)
Florida Solar Energy Center.  Summary Test Results FSEC Certified Solar
Collectors.  Cape Canaveral, FL: Feb 1979.
Foster, W.M.  "Design Options for Residential Solar Hot Water Heating
Systems."  Solar Engineering, Oct 1977, pp 30-32.
Garg, H.P.  "Effect of Dirt on Transparent Covers in Flat Plate Solar Energy
Collectors."  Solar Energy, Vol 15, No. 4 (Apr 1974), pp 299-302.
Gupta, G.L. and Garg, H.P.
"System Design in Solar Water hHaters with
Solar Energy, Vol 12 (1968), pp 163-182.
Hill, J.E. and Kusada, T.  Method of Testing for Rating Solar Collectors
Based on Thermal Performance.  National Bureau of Standards, Report no.
NBSIR 74-635, Washington, D.C. 1974.
Hottel, H.C., and Woertz, B.B.  "The Performance of Flatplate Collectors."
Transactions of American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol 64, No. 2,
Solar-Heat (Feb 1942), pp 91-104.

Western Governors University

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