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*Barnaby, C.W., et al.  Solar for Your Present Home.  Prepared for the
California Energy Commission. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Solar Group, 1977.
Beard, J.T. et al.  Performance and Analysis of 'Solaris' Water-trickle Solar
Collector.  Sharing the Sun: Solar Technology in the Seventies, Joint
Conference of the International Solar Energy Society, American Section
and Solar Energy Society of Canada, Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug 15-
20, 1976. Cape Canaveral, FL: International Solar Energy Society,
American Section, Vol 2 (1976), pp 46-63.
*Beck, E.J. and Field, R.L.  Solar Heating of Buildings and Domestic Hot
Water.  Civil Engineering Laboratory, Report R-835, Port Hueneme, CA:
Nov 1977. (ADA054601)
*Beckman, W.A. "Problems of Solar Cooling Systems."
Sunworld, No. 6 (Nov
1977), pp 2-6.
*Beckman, W.A., Klein, S.A., and Duffie, J.A.  Solar Heating Design by the
F-chart Method.  New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1977.
Braden, S.  Graphic Standards of Solar Energy.
Boston, HA: CBI Publishing
Co., 1977.
Cole-Appel, B.E. and Haberstroh, R.D.  Performance of Air-cooled Flat-plate
Collectors.  Sharing the Sun: Solar Technology in the Seventies, Vol 3
(1976), pp 116-117.
*Cole, R.L., et al.  Design and Installation Manual for Thermal Energy
Storage.  Argonne National Laboratory, Report No. ANL-79-15. Argonne,
IL: Feb 1979.
Consroe, T., et al.  Alternate Strategies for Optimizing Energy Supply,
Distribution, and Consumption Systems on Naval Bases, Vol 2.  Advanced
energy conservation strategies. Civil Engineering Laboratory, Contract
Report CR 74.007.  Port Hueneme, CA: Jan 1974. (AD786757, Vol 1
published as CEL CR 74.006, Nov 1973, AD777471).
De Winter, F.  Fin Effectiveness or Efficiency in Flat Plate Solar
Collectors.  New York: Copper Development Association, 1973.
*Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A.
Solar energy thermal processes.
New York:
Wiley-Interscience, 1974.
Duffie, J.A., Beckman, W.A., and Dekken, J.G.  "Solar Heating in North
America."  Mechanical Engineering, Vol 99, No. 11 (Nov 1977).
Duffie, J.A., Chung, R., and Lof, G.O.G.  "A Study of a Solar Air
Conditioner."  Mechanical Engineering, Vol 85, No. 8 (Aug 1963),
pp 31-35.
*Durlak, E.R. (1979a).  Analysis of Solar Collectors.  Type: Double Glazed
Glass Cover with Aluminum Absorber Plate, Copper Waterways, Flat Black
Coating.  Civil Engineering Laboratory, Technical Memorandum M63-79-16.
Port Hueneme, CA: Jul 1979.

Western Governors University

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